Custom made extra durable dog harness for effective training and pleasant amusement
If choose this leather harness you will get your money worth. Not only its price is reasonable but also its qualities are exceptional-the most desirable in a harness! This handmade piece of equipment is a necessary strongest gear specially designed for working dogs-the most powerful and largest dog breeds. Dog handlers extensively use this harness for work with dog Doberman as well as for regular active walks with him.
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Classic Leather Doberman Harness Provides Full Coverage for Stout Dog Breeds
The harness provides better comfort than a collar. When wearing this harness Doberman feels extremely comfortable. Animal doctors recommend using this single-purpose training tool for work with dog purposely pulling on the leash (detention, trace work, etc). Cynologists-policemen use this great equipment for daily work application as well as for serious tasks. Special consideration was given to upgraded comfort and life duration of this subworker dog tool.
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Doberman professional fully adjustable leather harness
Doberman everyday wonderful designer leather harness
Key features of this Doberman Harness: - Perfect select full grain leather
- Increased durabillity
- 4 way adjustable
- Wide Y-shaped breast plate
- 1 1/4 inch wide straps
- Easy qucik release buckle
- Padded with soft felt chest and back pads
- Solid D-ring stitched and riveted on the top
- Rustproof fittings
| Intended use of this Doberman Harness: - Trace/service work
- Obedience training
- Agitation/attack work
- Off leash walks
- Regular walks
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
We are going to reveal some distinctive advantages of this harness that are peculiar only to this very training sophisticated dog device:
Can you imagine that so small beautiful accessory for your beloved Doberman may be finest and strongest? But this one designer dog harness combines the best! Hand-cut, hand stitched and riveted for unlimited durability! Do not you know that not every possible leather is suitable for attack/agitation training? The harness is made of select full grain leather that is tearproof and lifetime. Only this type of leather can be used for making of tracking/agitation/attack dog equipment. Other kind of leather will not withstand hard training pressures.
Your Doberman's health will not be damaged if you allow him to wear this harness! As you already know the harness is a custom designed so only elaborate slant on the production process is applied by our skillful manufacturers. Every single detail of this harness was not deprived of careful consideration. You may not doubt its safety as not only leather is ideal for wearing, but also metal components that harden this masterpiece are harmless, free of chemicals or other poisonous elements. Only profitable wear of the harness must be provided for your Doberman!
Comfort of the harness is available.. When we decided to pad the chest part and back cushion with natural caring material we were not mistaken. We do not pad each dog tool as only special training harness must be padded due to rigors of service work duties. This one has necessary padding with soft thick felt for your dog not to suffer from hard blow during training as these pads work as shock-absorbers. Also, this padding prevents skin rubbing and provides extreme comfort.
When all the straps are properly adjusted you will have just put the harness on and off by using only one strap and buckle. It is really easy handling dog tool, making you no problems. A right number of buckles are responsible for snug fit of the harness. Easy quick release side buckle can be clasped with one hand.
Check how our products look on the dogs/Pictures from Customers
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Assistant felt padded lifetime Doberman harness
Absolutely great special leather Doberman harness
Ideal training Doberman non-restrictive leather harness
Doberman. When buying a puppy
Articles about great Dobermans. Posted by Doberman-Dog-Breed-Store
Buying a Doberman puppy is a venture as then you are risking becoming a slave of your preference…(it is sad to pronounce that this fancy appears to be only momentary one) or a crank for surrounding people; when a clever man turns into a henpecked being stricken by the beauty of his wife it is the same metamorphose as the one related to choosing a dog basing on emotions and modern tendencies. Such questions as: Who am I? What do I do? Why do I live? concern those dog owners who have kept dogs for many years. Telling that we want you to know that is a bitter life truth nothing more. Before bringing Doberman home you must regard everything, sacrificing most of your favorite occupations as now only Doberman is your main work, amusement, happiness, fortune, etc…But if you fool about necessary attitude in respect of your dog’s education, you are sure to face serious troubles in future. Maybe one day you will become a cattleman but not usual one but that who does not get milk or meat from his animal. When you start realizing that your dog “steals” best years of your life by requiring your attention, money, love it will be a little late to correct the situation..
Doberman. When buying a puppy.. - READ MORE!